On paper the USA is a democracy in which majority opinion makes the rules. Am I to believe, then, that I am in the minority to want my government to protect me, my family and friends against crazies with guns? Am I in a minority to think it is wrong to allow anyone who wants to, to possess a tool designed to take people’s lives because they disagree with a religious belief or are angry or crazy? I thought we lived in a society in which killing was wrong, at least that is what I was taught.
So what can we do when the current system does not work to protect the lives of citizens?? Someone please explain this logic to me. If indeed life is sacred, then why don’t our laws protect it? Was it not the mission of the USA to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? We aren’t doing a very good job!
I have heard many times the argument that the right to carry a gun is protected by the US constitution. Well that document has been amended 27 times! So why not now?? Seventeen times it has been amended since the first ten amendments were added on December 15, 1791, including amendment 2 which granted this right to each citizen to bear arms. Maybe that was a good idea in 1791 but surely times have changed and we have grown as a country in 224 years? We even passed an amendment to ban the sale of alcohol (even if we later changed our minds), possibly dangerous depending on your point of view, but its primary purpose is not to kill people! The point is, when circumstances warrant, and we, the people, want to make a change and a majority of us agree, there is a mechanism in place to do it. What is our government waiting for? I can’t believe that the majority of US citizens are happy living in a country where it is so easy to get a gun so they can kill people.
We went to war over suspected weapons of mass destruction. So what can we do about the mass destruction happening at home? We are required to have a license and training to drive a car. So why not for something infinitely more deadly?
I would like my government to protect my right to life and to liberty and the pursuit of happiness by keeping guns out of the wrong hands. I would like to live in the absence of fear that some crazy person with an issue to resolve will decide to murder me or my friends and family.