Welcome to my virtual "home"!
Why “home,” you might ask? I have moved around a lot in my life and I tend to refer to the place I am on a given day as "home" ... at this moment, I am here (just to the left of the cypress tree), writing this message to invite you to explore my metaphorical "home" in cyberspace. For me, "home" is more than a physical space: It is a metaphorical base, a safely "anchored" place to move out from that allows you to keep connected to where you come from.
As you explore different "rooms," I invite you to share my journey to date, where I am today, why I think I am here, how I approach coaching, and, in my blog, random musings when they occur to me (I invite you to subscribe if you would like to. I want to write weekly, but it doesn't always happen that way :).... so you will get a surprise in your e-mail when I do write something!
I am quite excited to discover how my journey will continue: Change is a constant in my life. I am very fortunate in that, for the most part, I have created many of the changes. Other changes have been fortuitous (I won't say "luck" as I am not sure I believe in luck) and I embrace that. Over time, I have learned that even if it is not always easy, there is something worth the walk just around the next bend.
So, welcome to my "home"! I look forward to learning about your journey!
It is never too late to be what you might have been. - George Eliot
Art credits:
All watercolor images on this site by Daniele Ballerini.
Photographs by Kate Kiss.
Why “home,” you might ask? I have moved around a lot in my life and I tend to refer to the place I am on a given day as "home" ... at this moment, I am here (just to the left of the cypress tree), writing this message to invite you to explore my metaphorical "home" in cyberspace. For me, "home" is more than a physical space: It is a metaphorical base, a safely "anchored" place to move out from that allows you to keep connected to where you come from.
As you explore different "rooms," I invite you to share my journey to date, where I am today, why I think I am here, how I approach coaching, and, in my blog, random musings when they occur to me (I invite you to subscribe if you would like to. I want to write weekly, but it doesn't always happen that way :).... so you will get a surprise in your e-mail when I do write something!
I am quite excited to discover how my journey will continue: Change is a constant in my life. I am very fortunate in that, for the most part, I have created many of the changes. Other changes have been fortuitous (I won't say "luck" as I am not sure I believe in luck) and I embrace that. Over time, I have learned that even if it is not always easy, there is something worth the walk just around the next bend.
So, welcome to my "home"! I look forward to learning about your journey!
It is never too late to be what you might have been. - George Eliot
Art credits:
All watercolor images on this site by Daniele Ballerini.
Photographs by Kate Kiss.

All images and text on this site for Katekisscoaching by Kate Kiss are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.